5 Min Sugar Free Ragi Laddoos

5 Min Sugar Free Ragi Laddoos

Apr 16, 2017Shalini Santhosh Kumar

Mothers are always busy. We don’t like to spend too much time in the kitchen are always looking for quick & healthy recipes for our kids. So here is a 5 min ragi laddoo recipe that is super easy to make, even your expert grandmother will give you a pat on the back!

Cooking Time: 5 Mins


  • Instant Ragi powder or Ragi Huri Hittu (This is pre-roasted ragi powder and ready for consumption) – 1 cup/100g
  • Fresh dates – 5-6 (You can substitute it with jaggery)
  • Almonds, Better if they are roasted – 10 pieces
  • Ghee/Coconut Oil - 3 Tsp
  • Elachi or Cardamom powder – 2 pods


  • Put all the ingredients in a blender and churn till everything is mixed well.
  • You can add an extra 1-2 spoons of oil if you need them to bind/blend well.
  • Take it out in a bowl and make them into small balls using your palm.
  • Store them in room temperature. Consume before 4-5 days.

You can make Instant Ragi flour at home yourself. You will need to buy the whole ragi grains, wash & sundry. Roast the grains for 15-20 mins till it crackles when you bite them. Cool the grain, grind them to a fine powder. Sieve & Store for all your recipe innovations:-)

Now if you are a busy parent or really not someone who likes to work in the kitchen. You can buy 100% organic instant ragi flour, free from sugar, salt, milk powder chemicals, pesticides and added flavors, directly from our store - where we have done all the hard work for you & your little one :-)



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